
how to create multiples for mod_rewrite

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-06 09:15 出处:网络
I have a giant site that I am implementing a mod_rewrite on. This is my first time dealing with this so I\'m still working out some major kinks. That being said, I have reg-ex figured out for all of m

I have a giant site that I am implementing a mod_rewrite on. This is my first time dealing with this so I'm still working out some major kinks. That being said, I have reg-ex figured out for all of my single pages via:

RewriteRule ^([a-z_-]+)/?$ /$1.php [L,QSA]

which in turn yields something like this:


With the above rule, I have changed my php files to be the same name, except without the .php extension. So for example, the previous pretty url's .php is named page.php

Now, I have 开发者_如何学编程made a url goal list for all of my dynamic multi part url pages. Those will ideally look something like this:




Obviously I can't rename each .php for each or when it comes to dynamics it gets a little trickier, so naturally I'm going to categorize my files in folders and feed them that way.

So now that you should have a good idea of what I'm trying to achieve, what would the rewrite rule ( or two ) that would encompass the last two url examples?

thanks in advance

I'd switch around how you're using mod-rewrite.

Use a 404 page or index page which translates requests.

Then in mod_rewrite you can pull out each element between / and pass them across...


Then process whats been sent across in the index page and display results accordingly

Sone good examples here : linky

However this way kind of implies some DB querying to get the content which from the sound of things is going to be a lot easier to maintain that many differentluy named php files




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