
Launch gallery with Images and Videos get back the selected image/video - Android

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-07 06:40 出处:网络
I know how to launch default gallery with Images and get back the selected image URI. Now I am looking for how to launch default gallery with Images and Video displaying together and get back the sel

I know how to launch default gallery with Images and get back the selected image URI.

Now I am looking for how to launch default gallery with Images and Video displaying together and get back the selected image/video uri back to my applicatio开发者_如何学编程n.

Is this possible with default gallery app?


check out this post Android Gallery (view) video (also thumbnail issues)

i have used the gallery but only with images. i would imagine though they are all just drawables (meaning putting a video in the array might work) but i really dont know without testing.
the only other thing is how many videos? if there are to many your apk will be huge.

the way i did videos in my app was to separate them out and use intents but you could also keep track of where you are in the gallery and when u hit the spot where the vids should be fire the intent then after the vid is watched come back to the gallery.



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