
Linux SoftLink to applications and execution

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-07 07:28 出处:网络
开发者_开发知识库I have created a softlink to an application using the following command: ln -s sourcedir/Application somedir/ApplicationSoftLink

I have created a softlink to an application using the following command:

ln -s sourcedir/Application somedir/ApplicationSoftLink

But I do not know how to start the application using the softlink. My understanding of a softlink is that it is the same as a shortcut in Windows, you just double-click the shortcut and the application will launch. However, when I tried to ./ApplicationSoftLink the application would not start.

Could someone please provide some assistance?

ln -s sourcedir/Application somedir/ApplicationSoftLink probably puts the wrong path in your symbolic link.


ln -s $PWD/sourcedir/Application somedir/ApplicationSoftLink

Were you in somedir when you tried running ./ApplicationSoftLink?

I think what you want to do is create the link in some directory in your path, so you don't have to say where the file is at all. You can type

echo $PATH

to find out what's in your path. /usr/local/bin is a good choice for things like this.

is sourcedir/Application executable?

when I tried to "./ApplicationSoftLink" the application would not start.

Is there any error message?

were you typing ./ApplicationSoftLink under "somedir"?

or try ln -s /absolute/path/sourcedir /absolute/path/you/want/somedir/myApp then under somedir/myApp/ run ./Application



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