
how to get same xmpp connection from one activity to another?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-08 10:39 出处:网络
i am new programmer.i would like to implement sample application for getting chat by using xmpp server.In this implementation i have created connection by using ConnectionConfiguration object as follo

i am new programmer.i would like to implement sample application for getting chat by using xmpp server.In this implementation i have created connection by using ConnectionConfiguration object as follows :

ConnectionConfiguration connConfig =new ConnectionConfiguration(host, Integer.parseInt(sport), service);

I am passing connConfig object to XMPPConnection class by calling connect method i am getting connection and by calling login method passing with user name pand password then i am login to password.to login i am using a button.When i clicked on button i am using Intent for change the activity.One i am changing activity i would like to get the开发者_运维技巧 same connection in another activity.

I have written code for LoginActivity as follows:

  public class LoginActivity extends Activity

ConnectionConfiguration connConfig ;

 XMPPConnection connection;

 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 

    ((Button)findViewById(R.id.login)).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View arg0) 

             connConfig =new ConnectionConfiguration(host, Integer.parseInt(sport), service);

          connection = new XMPPConnection(connConfig);

            connection.login(uname, password);



I have written ChatPageActivity as follows:

     public class ChatPage extends Activity {

public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

    //How to get the same XMPPConnection from LoginActivity here    


how to get the same connection from LoginActivity to ChatPageActivity?

please any body help me

Create a new class (inside a new .java file), using the singleton pattern (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singleton_pattern), where you can keep the current active connection accessible from any point of your application.

Possible solution:

public class XMPPLogic {

  private XMPPConnection connection = null;

  private static XMPPLogic instance = null;

  public synchronized static XMPPLogic getInstance() {
      instance = new XMPPLogic();
    return instance;

  public void setConnection(XMPPConnection connection){
    this.connection = connection;

  public XMPPConnection getConnection() {
    return this.connection;


Then, on your LoginActivity you set the connection:


And in the ChatPage you get it:



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