
WCF, WAS, IIS and ports

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-08 12:59 出处:网络
Hi, I have worked with WCF for a while now but there is somthing Im not clear on. When hosting a WCF service in IIS the standard protocol will be http and the default port is 80. Its possible to cha


I have worked with WCF for a while now but there is somthing Im not clear on.

When hosting a WCF service in IIS the standard protocol will be http and the default port is 80. Its possible to change this portnr if needed.

Then its also possible to host a WCF service in IIS using the TCP protocol(WAS). Th开发者_高级运维e WCF service will however still publish its mex on port 80 on http prootocol but how do I see the port nr for the WCF TCP communication?

I Supose that I will have to open first the port nr for the mex(usually port 80) and then also the WAS(WCF TCP in IIS) port?


You can see which port TCP will use by going into the website configuration in IIS and looking at the site bindings, then looking for (or adding, if necessary) the net.tcp binding. Here is the documentation on how to configure bindings.

If I remember correctly, the default port is 808.



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