
generating Localizable.strings creates strange output

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-09 00:10 出处:网络
When I usegenstrings -o en.lproj *.m it generates the Localizable.strings file with entries in this structure:

When I use genstrings -o en.lproj *.m it generates the Localizable.strings file with entries in this structure:

/* this is the text: %@  ID: %02X */

"this is the text: %@  ID: %02X" = "this is the text: %1$@  ID: %2$X";

Please notice that it开发者_如何学编程 makes from %@ -> %1$@

Why is this? I always have to change it back to %@ manually.


Did you use the "-j" option? It produces java localized string (which have the format like %1$@).


Sorry, looked at the wrong manual page. Please use the option -noPositionalParameters to turn off generation of positional parameters. -> Info's here

You don't need to change it back, since %1$@ refers to the first argument given to your format string.

Actually, in a case different from yours, it might happen that the order of the arguments changes from a translation to another. For example, if your code uses a format to display some player property value like:

let fmt = NSLocalizedString("Player property value", comment: "The player property value")
String(format:fmt, playerName, playerProperty, value)

You might have in the "en.lproj/Localizable.strings":

/* The player property value */
"Player property value" = "Player %1$@'s %2$@ is %3$d"

and in the "fr.lproj/Localizable.strings":

/* The player property value */
"Player property value" = "Le %2$@ du joueur %1$@ is %3$d"


/* The player property value */
"Player property value" = "Le joueur %1$@ a %3$d points de %2$@"


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