
Error: expected a declaration

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-09 02:45 出处:网络
So far all 开发者_开发知识库I have in my DecisionTree.h file is namespace DecisionTree { public static double Entropy(int pos, int neg);

So far all 开发者_开发知识库I have in my DecisionTree.h file is

namespace DecisionTree
     public static double Entropy(int pos, int neg);

and Visual Studio is already highlighting the public and saying

Error: expected a declaration.

What am I missing?

public is an access specifier. Access specifiers are applicable only within class/struct body and not inside namespace. In C++ (unlike Java) it must be followed by a colon : inside the class body.

For example,

class DecisionTree {  // <----- 'class' (not 'namespace')
public:  // <------ access specifier
  static double Entropy (int pos, int neg);
  int i;

It will definitely give an error, for you dint declared any class,struct, or enum and directly you have written a static function inside a namespace. So, first write a class definition inside a namespace and then a function.



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