
Rename multiple files by using BATCH, VBSCRIPT or BASH SHELL

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-09 05:33 出处:网络
I have a numbers of files in folder A, what I need to do is to rename the filename to different开发者_运维百科 pattern example: TTFILE-201109265757.dat to YTL.MSZSH1.ch1.201109265757_0001.0001.dat

I have a numbers of files in folder A, what I need to do is to rename the filename to different开发者_运维百科 pattern example: TTFILE-201109265757.dat to YTL.MSZSH1.ch1.201109265757_0001.0001.dat

Where YTL, MSZSH1, ch1 is prefix then follow by the filename then _ then sequence number

The filename pattern should be like this: YTL.MSZSH1.ch1.filename_SequenceNumber.SequenceNumber where SequenceNumber is 4 digit, reset to 0 after 9999.

This little bash script should do the work :) Just call it with the files in question in the argument list or replace $@ with $(ls).

for i in "$@" ; do
    file=$(basename "$i")
    counter=$(printf "%04d" $counter)
    mv "$i" "$prefix${file/TTFILE-/}_$counter.$counter.dat"
    counter=$(( $counter+1 ))

In a Windows environment, here is the script I would run:

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
pushd %1

set c=0
for /r %%i in ( %2-*.dat ) do (
  set filename=%%~ni
  set digits=!filename:%2-=!
  ren "%%i" %3.%4.%5.!digits!_!c.!c!.dat
  set /a c+=1
  if !c! equ 10000 set c=0


To run it: script.cmd "D:\Test Area" TTFILE YTL MSZSH1 ch1, where D:\Test Area is the directory containing the .dat files and the following arguments are the prefixes to use.

If D:\Test Area contains sub-directories, the .dat files contained in them will also be renamed, but the sequence number will not be reset between two different sub-folders.

this is the way in vbscript

    Dim objFSO,myFolder,objFolder,colFiles,objFile,newName,i,n
    set sh=createobject("wscript.shell")
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    myFolder = "C:\users\eng\desktop\Scripts"    '' here you can write the path for your folder
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(myFolder)
    Set colFiles = objFolder.Files

    For Each objFile in colFiles
     if Not instr(1,objFile.name,"YTL.MSZSH1.ch1.",1) > 0 then  ''check if the file name change.this step to avoid change file name again after we rename

    newName=replace(objFile.Name,"TTFILE-","YTL.MSZSH1.ch1.")   ''replace "TTFILE-" with "YTL.MSZSH1.ch1." in the file name
    newName=replace(newName,right(newName,4),"_"&n&"."&n&".dat")   ''replace in modefiy newName ".dat" to "_0000.0000.dat" in the file name

    objFSO.getfile(objFile).name=newName    ''change the file name with newName
    sh.popup objfile,1,"In_The_Name_Of_Allah"


       If i < 10 Then
            n= CStr("000" & i)
        ElseIf i < 100 Then
            n= CStr("00" & i)
        ElseIf i < 1000 Then
            n= CStr("0" & i)
            n= i
        End If
    End If


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