
How do I force a read to pass

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-09 11:51 出处:网络
So I am writing a simple shell. The relevant codes are posted below. void sig_int_handler(int signum) {

So I am writing a simple shell. The relevant codes are posted below.

void sig_int_handler(int signum) { 
    if (pid == -1) // do nothing
    else kill(...);

signal(SIGINT, sig_int_handler);

while(1) {
    pid = -1;
    input_len = read(...);

    if only enter is pressed: continue;

    // parse inputs 

    pid = fork();
    if (pid == 0) { // Do child process operations }
    else if (pid > 0) { // Parent waits for child }
    else {..}

But now when I press ctrl+c, it properly exits the child. However, if I press ctrl+c in regular terminal, it prints out "ctrl+c" on stdout, but then it doesn't do anything. How do I force a linefeed开发者_运维百科 into read so that it gives me another prompt?

I'm assuming you're trying to write something like a shell here.

If so: You shouldn't have to process ^C in your shell. If you set up a new process group for the child process (using setpgid() and TIOCSPGRP), only it will receive SIGINT.



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