
Location API Disclaimer

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-10 02:53 出处:网络
I recently had an application fail on section 2.7.2 The details are around the location data information not being disaplayed.

I recently had an application fail on section 2.7.2 The details are around the location data information not being disaplayed.

I assume this means that a disclaimer is required for applications that use location API services.

However, I am unable to find the required wording for this disclaimer and would like to know exactly what is required.

I was hoping to use a Message开发者_高级运维Box.Show to pop up when the map button is pressed, will this be sufficient?

Thanks in advance

You need to allow the user to turn it off at any time. A way could could do this would to be to store a flag in IsolatedStorage which indicates that you've gotten the user's permission.

    if (!Settings.HasSetting("allowLocation") || 
        MessageBox.Show("Allow app to use your location?, "Location Services",MessageBoxButtons.OkCancel);
    //handle result

And on a Settings page:

<CheckBox x:Name=cbLocationAllow />

    Settings.SetSetting("allowLocation", true);

    Settings.SetSetting("allowLocation", false);

Sounds like it, Most disclaimers come in the form of a pop-up or so on. i used a pop-up for a disclaimer at one point too. they passed it, so i don't see why it wouldn't work for yours too.



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