
how to use double Quotes correctly?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-10 03:01 出处:网络
This form works in VB .NET sendMsg = \"<CStatus timestamp=\"\"0\"\" \" & _ \"type=\"\"login\"\" \" & _
This form works in VB .NET

sendMsg = "<CStatus timestamp=""0"" " & _
                   "type=""login"" " & _
                   "cid = """ & cID & """ " & _
                   "key=""" & loginKey & """ />"

But i can't get it work in C#

sendMsg = "<CStatus timestamp=\"0\" 
                    cid=\"" + cID + "\" 
                    key=\"" + loginKey + "\" />";

it does not give the same effect

I want this as an output:

<CStatus timestamp="0" type="login" cid="var_cid" key="var_key"/>;

is there any stringXml command in C# or another way to use double quotes in string?

Thank You!

Solved it with开发者_开发问答


Thanks to you all!

Embedded newlines are not supported for string literals in C#. Try:

sendMsg = "<CStatus timestamp=\"0\" " +
                    "type=\"login\" " +
                    "cid=\"" + cID + "\" " +
                    "key=\"" + loginKey + "\" />";

Your problem does not seem to be related to your use of quotes.

Another option is to use the XElement and XAttribute classes which will work both in VB and C#:

string cID = "blah";
string loginKey = "foo";

var xml = new XElement("CStatus",
              new XAttribute("timestamp", "0"),
              new XAttribute("type", "login"),
              new XAttribute("cid", cID),
              new XAttribute("key", loginKey)

string sendMsg = xml.ToString();

When using quotes in C#, you would escape them with the backslash \", as you have tried.

However, when you are splitting your string across multiple lines, try the alternate path of marking the string with @ and then double the quotes for proper escaping.

string theString = @"<CStatus timespamp=""0""
                     />"; // fill in the rest

String.Format(@"<CStatus timestamp=""0""
                         key=""{1}"" />", cID, loginKey);

There's a couple of ways you can do this.

In the current way you're trying to do it, it won't work. You're trying to put a newline into a constant string. You'd have to rewrite it as:

sendMsg = "<CStatus timestamp=\"0\" " +
                "type=\"login\" " +
                "cid=\"" + cID + "\" " + 
                "key=\"" + loginKey + "\" />";

Notice the extra +'s at the end of every line and how each line is its own string constant.

I think it might be easier to just use String.Format in this case:

sendMsg = String.Format("<CStatus timestamp=\"0\" type=\"login\" cid=\"{0}\" key=\"{1}\" />",
              cID, loginKey);

Quotes are escaped like this in c#: \" for example, timestamp="0" with double quotes should be timestamp=\"\"0\"\"

Try using double quotes as you do in vb, but start your string definition whith @

string myString = @"<xml attribute=""my attribute""/>";

You can check this link to see other methods to scape double quotes: http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/mladenp/archive/2008/10/21/Different-ways-how-to-escape-an-XML-string-in-C.aspx

sendMsg = "<CStatus timestamp=\"0\" " +  
                    "type=\"login\" " + 
                    "cid=\"" + cID + "\" +
                    "key=\"" + loginKey + "\" />";

sendMsg = @"<CStatus timestamp=""0"" type=""login"" cid=""" + cID + """ key=""" + loginKey + """ />";

As Greg Hewgill says, you have newlines in your strings in the c# version.

You really should use String.Format here, but to answer your question, your code should look like:

sendMsg = "<CStatus timestamp=\"0\"  + 
                    "type=\"login\"" + 
                    "cid=\"" + cID + "\"" + 
                    "key=\"" + loginKey + "\" />";

As a String.Format call, it would be:

sendMsg = String.Format(@"<CStatus timestamp=""{0}"" 
         key=""{3}""/>", 0, login, cID, loginKey );         


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