
Remove past dates and next months dates from the current month

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-10 07:09 出处:网络
Is it possible to remove the past dates and next month\'s dates from the fullcalendar? So for the开发者_运维问答 current month it should display only current dates and days.You could try skipping the

Is it possible to remove the past dates and next month's dates from the fullcalendar? So for the开发者_运维问答 current month it should display only current dates and days.

You could try skipping the events in the eventRender() method:

eventRender: function(event, element, view)
   if(event.start.getMonth() !== view.start.getMonth()) { return false; }

Add this setting showNonCurrentDates: false. With this setting, dates and events that do not belong to the current month will not be shown.

     // Other settings
     showNonCurrentDates: false            

The grid cells for the next and previous month have the class "fc-other-month", so you can target them that way:

e.g.: The hide the day numbers, add the CSS:

.fc-other-month .fc-day-number { display:none;}

or run this JavaScript:

$(".fc-other-month .fc-day-number").hide()

Try this!


This works for me!

None of the solutions provided on this answer properly solve the problem with the current version of FullCalendar. Using Bascht's answer as a starting point, I've updated his approach to use the current FullCalendar APIs. Below is working example code that will accomplish this task:

eventRender: function (event, element) {
    var eventDate = event.start;
    var calendarDate = $('#activitiesCalendar').fullCalendar('getDate');
    if (eventDate.get('month') !== calendarDate.get('month')) {
        return false;

For Full calendar v5.0, add the below line in full calendar js:

showNonCurrentDates: false

Add below css to your page:

.fc-day-disabled {

eventRender: function (event, element, view) {
    var currentMon = new Date(event.start);
    var currentMonth = currentMon.getMonth();

    var currentMonViewStart = new Date(view.start);
    var currentMonthViewStart = currentMon.getMonth();

    var currentMonViewEnd = new Date(view.end);
    var currentMonthViewEnd = currentMonViewEnd.getMonth();

    if((currentMonth == currentMonthViewStart) && (currentMonth  == currentMonthViewEnd)){ 
        return false; 

for version 2.0 or higher:

eventRender: function (event, element, view) {
   if(event.start._d.getMonth() !== $('calendar').fullCalendar('getDate')._d.getMonth()) { 
      return false; 

// if you want to remove other month's days from view add to css:
    .fcc-other-month { 

Try using weekMode: http://fullcalendar.io/docs/display/weekMode/.

weekMode: 'liquid', or `weekMode: 'variable',`

Hope it helps

For newer version of FullCalendar plugin, the following works utilizing Moment.js helper functions:

eventRender: function(event, element, view){ var evStart = moment(view.intervalStart).subtract(1, 'days'); var evEnd = moment(view.intervalEnd).subtract(1, 'days'); if (!event.start.isAfter(evStart) || event.start.isAfter(evEnd)) { return false; } },

Using event render and a callback function solved my issue .Perfectly hiding previous and next month events from current view

eventRender: function(event, element, view) {
                        if (view.name == "month") {
                            if (event.start._i.split("-")[1] != getMonthFromString(view.title.split(" ")[0])) {
                                return false;

function getMonthFromString(mon) {
            var d = Date.parse(mon + "1, 2016");
            if (!isNaN(d))
                return new Date(d).getMonth() + 1;
            return -1;

Hope it helps

you can try this clientOptions 'showNonCurrentDates' => false, and 'fixedWeekCount' => false,

This code allow me to hide the days of previous months and next months but the cells of thouse days remains: Try using Fullcalendar Doc

<?= $JSCode = <<<EOF
function(event, element, view) {

if(event.nonstandard.status =='0'){
 element.find(".fc-title").css({"color": "red"});   
 $('.fc-day-top[data-date="'+event.nonstandard.date+'"]').find('.fc-day-number').css({"background-color": "red", "color": "white"});                   
} else if(event.nonstandard.status == '1'){
   element.find(".fc-title").css({"color": "#1ab394"});                      
  $('.fc-day-top[data-date="'+event.nonstandard.date+'"]').find('.fc-day-number').css({"background-color": "#1ab394", "color": "white"});                     
}else if(event.nonstandard.status == '4' || event.nonstandard.status == '5'){
   $('.fc-day-top[data-date="'+event.nonstandard.date+'"]').find('.fc-day-number').css({"background-color": "#676a6c", "color": "white"});                                          
}else if(event.nonstandard.status == '3'){
 element.find(".fc-title").css({"color": "red"}); 
 $('.fc-day-top[data-date="'+event.nonstandard.date+'"]').find('.fc-day-number').css({"background-color": "red", "color": "white"});                        
}else if(event.nonstandard.status == '2'){
    element.find(".fc-title").css({"color": "orange"}); 
 $('.fc-day-top[data-date="'+event.nonstandard.date+'"]').find('.fc-day-number').css({"background-color": "orange", "color": "white"});                        

if(event.nonstandard.working_hours) { 
    var new_description =  '<strong>Total' + '    : </strong>' + event.nonstandard.working_hours + '<br/>';
} } EOF;

            'id' => 'calendar',
            'options' => [
                'lang' => 'en',
                'header' => [
                    'left' => 'prev,next today',
                    'center' => 'title',
                    'right' => 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
            'clientOptions' => [
                'height' => 750,
                'showNonCurrentDates' => false,
                'language' => 'en',
                'eventLimit' => true,
                'selectable' => true,
                'selectHelper' => true,
                'droppable' => false,
                'editable' => false,
                'fixedWeekCount' => false,
                'defaultDate' => date('Y-m-d'),
                'eventRender' => new JsExpression($JSCode),
            'events' => Url::to(['/user/myattr/jsoncalendar'])

Remove past dates and next months dates from the current month


and for disabling other month:


Checked below solution in Full Calendar Version-4. It works, hides previous and next month's days and also does not pass previous/next month date in events URL.

showNonCurrentDates: false

Thanks to ask this question.

For the latest version I used:

eventRender: function(event,element,view) {
    var view_title = view.title;
    var event_title = event.start;
    var event_title2 = moment(event_title).format('MMMM YYYY');
    if(event_title2 !== view_title) { 
        return false; 
    } else {
        var idname = 'event' + event.id;
        $(element).attr('id', idname).addClass('ttLT').attr('title', event.title);
        var mytitle = event.title;                              
        if (mytitle.toLowerCase().indexOf("open timeslot") >= 0)
            content: event.description,
            position:{my:'bottom right',at:'top left'}

This is working for me on version 3.6.1

 eventRender: function(event, element, view)
     if(!event.start.isBetween(view.intervalStart, view.intervalEnd)) { return false; }

Remove past dates and next months dates events from the current month in year view using this trick.

eventAfterAllRender: function() {
                            $(".fc-other-month").each(function() {
                                var index=$(this).index();
                                var aa= $(this).closest("table").find("tbody").find("tr").


You can change the color of the text as background color, i.e white so it will be invisible

td.fc-other-month {
        color: white;

But it your version is >= 3, then you can check parameter- showNonCurrentDays : false, but this is for month view.

As of Full Calendar v5.11.0, eventRender is no longer a valid option and the other answers didn't work for me. Using the VisibleRange function is what ended up doing the trick for me.

var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
  initialView: 'timeGrid',
  visibleRange: function(currentDate) {
    // Generate a new date for manipulating in the next step
    var startDate = new Date(currentDate.valueOf());
    var endDate = new Date(currentDate.valueOf());

    // Adjust the start & end dates, respectively
    startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() - 1); // One day in the past
    endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + 2); // Two days into the future

    return { start: startDate, end: endDate };


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