
Android, Proguard 'Unknown option 'and' in argument number 9'

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-10 08:19 出处:网络
I\'m getting the following error every time I try to export my application from Eclipse. Proguard returned with error code 1. See console

I'm getting the following error every time I try to export my application from Eclipse.

    Proguard returned with error code 1. See console
    proguard.ParseException: Unknown option 'a开发者_高级运维nd' in argument number 9
    at proguard.ConfigurationParser.parse(ConfigurationParser.java:170)
    at proguard.ProGuard.main(ProGuard.java:491)

I'm using the defualt proguard.cfg file that Eclipse generated. My android sdk is in C:\Android\SDK(here)

My default.properties file is like this:


I have also done a clean and build. I also made sure Eclipse and my SDK tools were up to date.

The 'spaces in the pathnames' problem is well documented here - note that you can use Junctions/Links to get around this without moving or renaming files...

The Dalvik error is usually just Eclipse 'having a moment' - a 'Clean Project' and Rebuild usually cures it.

So, in my workspace for the name of the project I had C:\workspace\Name Android Name for the name, so I changed that to C:\workspace\NameName, then I changed my sdk to C:\sdk, then I exported to C:\NameAndroidName.apk, and I got the failure to convert to dalvik format error.

And then I went to this question and that solved the dalvik format error, and it exported successfully.



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