
How to remove disabled attribute with jQuery (IE) [duplicate]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-10 14:11 出处:网络
This question already has answers here: How to remove "disabled" attribute using jQuery? (11 answers)
This question already has answers here: How to remove "disabled" attribute using jQuery? (11 answers) Closed 8 years ago.

I'm in a situation where I have to use the disabled attribute to deactivate all inputs I don't want the user to edit.

<input disabled="<%= disableInputs%>" type="text"></input>

that renders

<input disabled="False" type="text"></input>


<input disabled="True" type="text"></input>

This works fine on Chrome and FF, but on IE it does not.

Now I'm trying to remove those attributes (where disabled="False") with javascript, but I don't get the expected results. Againt, it the javascript works gor Chrome and FF, but not for IE (using 8).

at the end it should look like:

<input type="text"></input>


<input disabled="True" type="text"></input>

my javascript looks like (i've tried almost any combination):

$('document').ready(function () {

$("input[disabled='false']").each(function(){$(this).attr('disabled', false);});
$("select[disabled='false']").each(function(){$(this).attr('disabled', false);});
$("input[disabled='False']").each(function(){$(this).attr('disabled', false);});
$("select[disabled='False']").each(function(){$(this).attr('disabled', false);});
$("input[readonly='false']").each(function(){$(this).attr('readonly', false);});
$("select[readonly='false']").each(function(){$(this).attr('readonly', false);});
$("input[readonly='False']").each(function(){$(this).attr('readonly', false);});
$("select[readonly='False']").each(function(){$(this).attr('readonly', false);});


A live example at: http://jsfiddle.net/2LNa6/ UPDATED

You should use the .prop method in jQuery as it does sanity checking for you bypassing these annoying IE errors. I can see you're using jQuery 1.6, so this should work:

$('document').ready(function () {
    //get each input that is disabled
    $('input').each(function(i, el){
      //see if it should be disabled (true|false)
      var disabled = $(el).data('disabled');
      $(el).prop('disabled', disabled);

Here is the updated jsFiddle for you to see.

You have a javascript error. Add ); to the last line of your javascript and it will fix it.

$('document').ready(function () {


You have missed out the closing brace (highlighted in bold)

The actual code should be

$('document').ready(function () {

And instead of False, pass disabled. That should work fine in all browsers

Use a attribute called key to identify whether to enable the input or not. Here is the code. It will work in all browsers.

   <table class="tabla" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                <td style="width:82px" >
            <tr id="HijoCargoRow0">
                    <input key="false" id="XXX" name="XXX" style="width:260px" type="text" value="" />
                    <input class="datepicker" key="true" id="YYY" name="YYY" style="width:70px" type="text" value="" />
                    <input key="true" id="M" name="ZZZ" type="radio" value="M" /><label for="M">M</label>
                    <input key="true"  id="F" name="ZZZ" type="radio" value="F" /><label for="F">F</label>



You can try a combination of the filter selector and prop method in jQuery to remove the disabled attribute from all input tags:

$("input").filter(function () {
   return $(this);
}).prop("disabled'", false);




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