
have jQuery ignore case in attribute/data names?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-10 16:03 出处:网络
We\'re using HTML5\'s data-* attributes for some of our client side interaction set up. jQuery uses these to do its thing.

We're using HTML5's data-* attributes for some of our client side interaction set up. jQuery uses these to do its thing.

The catch is th开发者_运维技巧at the HTML coming in may vary. Obviously this is the problem that should be fixed but I'm not always in control of the HTML being produced, unfortunately.

The question:

Given these two tags:

<a data-sampleAttributeName="example">

<a data-sampleattributename="example">

Is there a clever way to treat them as one and the same?

The best I've come up with is something like this:

var theAttribute = ($myobject).data('sampleAttributeName');

if (($myobject).data('sampleAttributeName')){
    theAttribute = ($myobject).data('sampleAttributeName')
} else {
    theAttribute = ($myobject).data('sampleattributename')

I could turn that into a function that I could just pass the camelCase version to and check for both as well. I was just wondering if there was a cleaner built-in feature in jQuery to ignore the case of the data (or attr) value.

For both the variations given here you should get the value using


The camel casing ( .data('sampleAttributeName')) is for when the attribute is like this:

<a  data-sample-attribute-name="something">Anchor</a>

Check this jsfiddle

For each element you're interested in, iterate over the object returned by .data() and update that element's jQuery data by toLowerCase()-ing the keys.

$('a').each(function ()
    var $this = $(this),
        data = $this.data(),

    for (var k in data)
        kTemp = k.toLowerCase();
        if (k !== kTemp)
            $this.data(kTemp, data[k]).removeData(k);

I have a lot of legacy code that has data-attributes in the html. Some attributes contain dashes, and some have mixed case. In order to support w3c spec for html5 data- attributes, and the changes to $.data brought forth in jQuery 1.6, I made a function to transform data attribute name strings to their w3c equivalent; That means that attributes like 'data-fooBar' will be transformed to 'foobar' and 'data-foo-barBaz' would be transformed to 'fooBarbaz'. I needed something like this to add to my $.data() callers so I don't have to update existing html, which could involve database updates, and it would be a nightmare to find all of the data-attributes and update them to conform to the w3c spec. This function is designed specifically to be used in jquery library, and checks the jquery version, only replacing the dashes (+ camelcase) for jQuery version 1.6+ (all data-attributes will be converted to lowercase regardless of jQuery version). The function could easily be converted to work without jQuery.


var html5data = $(this).data(w3cdatakey('foo-barBaz')); //same as $.data('fooBarbaz');

check out this fiddle: jsfiddle example



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