
Ninject Contextual Binding Based on Method's Parameter Value

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-11 04:32 出处:网络
I am attempting to use ninjects contextual binding functionality to bind to the correct implementation of an interface based on the value of an enum parameter passed into a method, and I\'m stuck. I t

I am attempting to use ninjects contextual binding functionality to bind to the correct implementation of an interface based on the value of an enum parameter passed into a method, and I'm stuck. I thought I could accomplish this using metadata. Here's what I tried and its not working.

    enum Colors

    public interface IColor

    pu开发者_JAVA技巧blic class Red : IColor

    public class Blue : IColor

    class Test
        private readonly StandardKernel _kernal;
        public Test()
            _kernal = new StandardKernel();
            _kernal.Bind<IColor>().To<Red>().WithMetadata("color", Colors.Red);
            _kernal.Bind<IColor>().To<Blue>().WithMetadata("color", Colors.Blue);

        public void TestMethod(Colors color)
            IColor iColor = _kernal.Get<IColor>(m => m.Get<Colors>("color") == color);

Any thoughts? Thanks

Yes this works. If you create a new class library with latest ninject and NUnit, you can run to following to verify:

enum Colors

public interface IColor
{ }

public class Red : IColor
{ }

public class Blue : IColor
{ }

class Test
    private readonly StandardKernel _kernal;
    public Test()
        _kernal = new StandardKernel();
        _kernal.Bind<IColor>().To<Red>().WithMetadata("color", Colors.Red);
        _kernal.Bind<IColor>().To<Blue>().WithMetadata("color", Colors.Blue);

    public IColor TestMethod(Colors color)
        return _kernal.Get<IColor>(m => m.Get<Colors>("color") == color);

public class TestMetadataFunctions
    public void test_method_should_return_specified_color()
        var test = new Test();
        var color = test.TestMethod(Colors.Red);

        Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Red), color);


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