
Very tight icon when window is maximized

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-11 05:58 出处:网络
I have a Windows application created using QT. My icon in the top left of the window is extra tight when the window is maximized. Actually, on my screen, the logo is cropped.

I have a Windows application created using QT.

My icon in the top left of the window is extra tight when the window is maximized. Actually, on my screen, the logo is cropped.

Below is a screenshot of the problem. (It shows the top left of the screen when the开发者_JAVA技巧 window is maximised; notice there is no padding between the edge of the screen and the logo.)

Very tight icon when window is maximized

That is the behaviour as designed. Here's what my app looks like, for example:

Very tight icon when window is maximized

If you want to add some padding you'll need to add it to your icon.



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