
Could NuGet be used in Non-Software Development area? [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-11 15:24 出处:网络
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I know the NuGet, is primarily targeting software development, but I see potential other uses.

For example;- a simple Document Control System. (I can't see office workers figuring out a full blow CVS) One person creates the new version, and that is automatically published to document repository.

eg The latest version of Health & Safety documentation is being used. or The latest version of the Expenses Claims Form.

Are there other potential uses?

NuGet isn't a versioning system, it's a distribution system. The only thing I can see it being useful for in document management is distributing document templates. You're much better off using something like SharePoint, a shared folder, or even a url to a website to ensure that everyone is using the correct version of a shared document.

However, NuGet has certainly been picked up by a few people although not outside the software development community that I have seen. I believe it plays a core part (or did at one stage) of PsGet, Chocolatey, TfsGet and Orchard.

I don't think using NuGet would be any more friendly than using a VCS. Both of them are command-based, but could be wrapped in a UI. In fact, using something like TortoiseHG with Mercurial would probably be easier than NuGet, since there isn't currently any UI for NuGet outside of Visual Studio?



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