
Static Operation like java in c#

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-11 16:37 出处:网络
In java you can add static operation block in any class and it will be called when the application start:

In java you can add static operation block in any class and it will be called when the application start:

class test{
    //do some operation when the application starts.

What is the equivalent in c#?


C# has the static constructor:

class Test {
    static Test() {
        // …

The equivalent in C# is the static constructor:

class Test
   static Test()
    //do some operation before accessing to any member of the class

The static constructor is guaranteed to be executed before any class member is accessed. It's not guaranteed to be called at application start though.

It's called a static constructor:

class test
    static test()
        //do some operation when the application starts.

Use static constructor

class test
    static test()
        // do some job

If I recall properly it's not easy, you have to resort to static contructors. Try to take a look here Microsoft documentation



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