
What's wrong with my Luhn algorithm code?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-11 23:39 出处:网络
I\'m trying to use this code to test if a sample code is a valid credit card number or not (using the Luhn algorithm) in Java. Where did I go wrong? It takes in an array of 16 one-digit numbers. Any h

I'm trying to use this code to test if a sample code is a valid credit card number or not (using the Luhn algorithm) in Java. Where did I go wrong? It takes in an array of 16 one-digit numbers. Any help would be much appreciated. T开发者_如何学Pythonhanks!

private static boolean isValidCC(int[] number) {
    int sum = 0;
    boolean alternateNum = true;
    for (int i = number.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
        int n = number[i];
        if (alternateNum) {
            n *= 2;
            if (n > 9) {
                n = (n % 10) + 1;
        sum += n;
        alternateNum = !alternateNum;
    return (sum % 10 == 0);

Your code is correct except you started with the wrong alternate digit. Change to:

boolean alternateNum = false;

Judging from Wikipedia article --you've missed a checksum digit or erroneously taking it into account--.

Update: most probably, you've started with a wrong "alternate" flag.

There is a Java snippet, so why not use it?

  public static boolean isValidCC(String number) {

    final int[][] sumTable = {{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},{0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9}};
    int sum = 0, flip = 0;

    for (int i = number.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      sum += sumTable[flip++ & 0x1][Character.digit(number.charAt(i), 10)];
    return sum % 10 == 0;

Alternating digits are doubled counting from the end not the beginning.

instead of using your alternateNum bool try this.

if((number.length - i) % 2 == 0){
    n *= 2;


验证码 换一张
取 消
