
eclipse plugin to create hibernate annotated entities?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 00:22 出处:网络
i know that hibernate tools can create hibernate entities but the hibernate ma开发者_运维知识库pping will be in XML file, but i was wondering if there\'s a tool to create hibernate entities and the ma

i know that hibernate tools can create hibernate entities but the hibernate ma开发者_运维知识库pping will be in XML file, but i was wondering if there's a tool to create hibernate entities and the mapping will be with annotations not in XML.

Hibernate tools can also generate the annotated entities by reverse engineering of your database. You have to choose Generate EJB3 annotations and Domain code(.java) . Refer to the 4.5. Reverse Engineering and Code Generation more info.

eclipse plugin to create hibernate annotated entities?

Write your java code and use Source > Generate Hibernate/Jpa annotations and hibernate tools will do an attempt to add necessary annotations based on that



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