
JPA - Multiple columns discriminator

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 03:05 出处:网络
I have 3 tables like this in MySQL 5: PERSON| |id|fullName| isEmp|isParent| EMPLOYEE| |personId|code| PARENT|

I have 3 tables like this in MySQL 5:

|               PERSON                     |
|  id   |  fullName  | isEmp  |  isParent  |

|      EMPLOYEE        |
|  personId   |  code  |

|       PARENT         |
|  personId   |  job   |

in which, Employee.personId and Parent.personId are foreign keys pointing to Person.id. An employee can also be a parent and vice versa. So how can I config us开发者_开发知识库ing Annotation of JPA 2.0/Hibernate 3? Thanks!

If a Person can be both, you can't solve this through inheritance, because Java doesn't allow multiple inheritance. So you'll have to go with Aggregation, which is confusing on a semantic level, because it's has-a-parent instead of is-a-parent. But I'm afraid it's the way you'll have to go:

public class Person{
    private Long id;
    private Employee employee;
    private Parent parent;
    public boolean isParent(){return parent!=null;}
    public boolean isEmployee(){return employee!=null;}
public class Employee{
    private Long id;
    private Person person; 
public class Parent{
    private Long id;
    private Person person; 

(getters / setters etc. omitted)



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