
Visual Studio 2010 devenv.exe qtappwrapper.exe

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 06:02 出处:网络
I had installed QT for some proje开发者_开发技巧ct sometime back but don\'t use it now(may need it later). I noticed that whenever I start Visual Studio 2010, it hogs my RAM. Is it possible to disable

I had installed QT for some proje开发者_开发技巧ct sometime back but don't use it now(may need it later). I noticed that whenever I start Visual Studio 2010, it hogs my RAM. Is it possible to disable loading it?

Visual Studio 2010 devenv.exe qtappwrapper.exe

It sounds like you need to use the Visual Studio Add-ins Manager to disable the Qt Visual Studio add-in.



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