
PHP: delete the first line of a text and return the rest

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 06:45 出处:网络
What\'s the best way to remove the very first line of a text stri开发者_如何学运维ng and then echo the rest in PHP?

What's the best way to remove the very first line of a text stri开发者_如何学运维ng and then echo the rest in PHP?

For example.

This is the text string:

First line to be removed
All the rest
Must remain

This is the final output:

All the rest
Must remain

If I was working with a file in Bash I could do easily the next:

sed -i~ 1d target-file


tail -n +2 source-file > target-file

Any ideas?

In alternative to the other answers with either explode & implode or regular expressions, you can also use strpos() and substr():

function stripFirstLine($text) {        
  return substr($text, strpos($text, "\n") + 1);
echo stripFirstLine("First line.\nSecond line.\nThird line.");        

Live example: http://codepad.org/IoonHXE7

How about preg_replace:

$text = "First line.\nSecond line.\nThird line.";
echo preg_replace('/^.+\n/', '', $text);

This way you don't need to worry about the case where there is no newline in your file.

explode() it on the line breaks into an array, shift() off the first line, and rejoin the rest.

$arr = explode("\n", $t);
echo implode("\n", $arr);

// Prints
// All the rest
// Must remain

If your string is really large, this will use a lot of memory. But if your strings are comparable to your example, it will work fine.

Method 2, using strpos()

echo substr($t, strpos($t, "\n") + 1);

I know it's a late answer, but why wouldn't you just use an explode and limit the number of results

$parts = explode("\n", $test, 2);
//$parts[0] has the first line
//$parts[1] has everything else

I tried all of these, and none seemed to work fast enough with large files (50MB+). Here was the solution I created. In your case, you could omit the echo of the first line.

$fh = fopen($local_file, 'rb');
echo "add\tfirst\tline\n";  // add your new first line.
fgets($fh); // moves the file pointer to the next line.
echo stream_get_contents($fh); // flushes the remaining file.

More flexible solution where you can remove num lines from a string str using a seperator and return the rest.
The default seperator is \n. If you want to use a different seperator use a third argument when calling striplines() function.

function striplines($str,$num,$seperator="\n"){
    $arr = explode($seperator, $str);
    for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++) array_shift($arr);
    return implode($seperator, $arr);

//Testcases to remove first two lines
// returns/prints only Third line
echo striplines("First line.\nSecond line.\nThird line.",2); 

// returns/prints nothing
echo striplines("First line.\nSecond line.\n",2); 
echo striplines("First line.\nSecond line.",2);
echo striplines("First line.\n",2);
echo striplines("First line.",2);
echo striplines("",2);

Return a substring after the first newline-character:

$firstLineRemoved = $subject;
$firstNewlinePosition = strpos($subject, "\n");
if($firstNewlinePosition !== false)
  $firstLineRemoved = substr($subject, firstNewlinePosition +1);
echo $firstLineRemoved;

Edit: Same example as @ComFreek, but with error checking in case there is no new-line character

All the answers are inefficient. There is no need to use any functions to manipulate the string.

$pos = 0;
while ($str[$pos] !== PHP_EOL)
    $str[$pos++] = '';
echo $str;

If you are not sure that the string always contains more than one line use this:

if (strpos($str, PHP_EOL))
    $pos = 0;
    while ($str[$pos] !== PHP_EOL)
        $str[$pos++] = '';
    echo $str;


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