
Print all bean properties in EL without need to override toString() every time

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 13:32 出处:网络
I have a list/map of beans in EL, or at least I assume it is and I\'m fed up with spending hours going through trying to work out which sections belong to each other. So I print it plain like ${exampl

I have a list/map of beans in EL, or at least I assume it is and I'm fed up with spending hours going through trying to work out which sections belong to each other. So I print it plain like ${example}.

football.beans.FootballFixture@72bec69[match=f开发者_C百科ootball.domain.FootballMatch@773aa1d5[id=360496,competition=PREMIERSHIP,seasonId=2011,groupName=,roundType=,roundNumber=,matchPeriod=FULL_TIME,matchDay=3,venueId=33,venue=White Hart Lane,venueCity=London,homeTeamId=t6,awayTeamId=t43,homeScore=1,awayScore=5,scorers=[football.domain.Score@3d5bed54[567825,AWAY,2011-08-28 14:05:05.0,34,GOAL,Dzeko,,FIRST_HALF

Currently I am overriding toString() on my beans every time. It'd be great to have something similar to PHP's print_r in JSP. Anybody know how to stop my eternal headache caused by this problem.

Import the Jackson JSON library and do something like this (assuming "myList" is the list/map you already have defined):

 ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
 System.out.println( mapper.defaultPrettyPrintingWriter().writeValueAsString(myList) );

This would print out your complete list object as a string to standard out.

Hope this helps.

You can use Pojomatic lib.

If you use maven, add dependency to pom.xml.


Then add @AutoProperty annotation to class you want to read like PostVo.java.

And, override toString method like this:

 public String toString() {
     return Pojomatic.toString (this);

You can override hashCode() and equals(Object obj).

 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
     return Pojomatic.equals (this, obj);

 public int hashCode() {
     return Pojomatic.hashCode (this);


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