
How do you drop a `references` column in rails 3.1?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 16:03 出处:网络
I\'ve created a table开发者_C百科 with a references column in an earlier migration and now I would like to drop it. I know I can do a call to remove_column on the generated name, but is there a way to

I've created a table开发者_C百科 with a references column in an earlier migration and now I would like to drop it. I know I can do a call to remove_column on the generated name, but is there a way to remove it using the the table name instead?

remove_references :blah, :users instead of remove_column :blah, :user_id

There is the method aptly named remove_references, as you guessed. It only needs one parameter, same as references needs one parameter too:

From the API documentation:


#Removes a reference. Optionally removes a type column. remove_references and
#remove_belongs_to are acceptable.

 t.remove_references(:goat, :polymorphic => true)

There is no special method to do so. When you come to think about this it makes perfect sense, since the references method doesn't actually create a foreign constraint in the db, meaning that this generated column isn't special at all.


As @Zabba noted there seems to be a remove_references method. I've never seen it used in practice, but its description sounds about right.



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