
How to use a Scala IDE (Eclipse or NetBeans based) to develop a Scala Lift web application with SBT?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 16:56 出处:网络
I\'ve switched to a plain text editor and console SBT from NetBeans becau开发者_如何转开发se the last was enforcing Ant and used to have some other troubles with Scala. Now, as I have to explore other

I've switched to a plain text editor and console SBT from NetBeans becau开发者_如何转开发se the last was enforcing Ant and used to have some other troubles with Scala. Now, as I have to explore others code (Lift examples for now) instead of just writing my own from scratch, I feel I miss debug, refactoring and definition/type lookup facilities of a good IDE.

So I am looking forward to go with some Scala IDE (Eclipse or NetBeans based) again, but I still want to use SBT as a build and dependency management tool (not Maven/Ant instead) and only use the IDE as an advanced code editor.

How to achieve this?

No personal experience, but looks like Scala-IDE keeps improving their SBT support.


Release 2.0.0-beta11 (released: 2011-10-03) makes a few mentions of using SBT.

Also, the docs at http://scala-ide-portfolio.assembla.com/spaces/scala-ide/wiki/SBT-based_build_manager show how to use SBT.



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