
Selected Value appear in the gridview

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 22:32 出处:网络
Using VB.Net (Windows Application) Gridview and Textbox When I enter the number or character in the textbox, that value should blink in the gridview.

Using VB.Net (Windows Application)

Gridview and Textbox

When I enter the number or character in the textbox, that value should blink in the gridview.

For Example,

GridView has

 ID Name

001 Jagan
002 Raman
开发者_开发技巧003 Antony

. When the following data is entered, Textbox1.text = 01 (then ID:001 should Blink in Gridview), Textbox1.text =Raman (then Name: Raman should Blink in Gridview)

How can I do this?

Need VB.Net Code. Please help.

It's very simple.Add timer to your form,sets its interval to 100 millisecond and in timer1_Tick event toggles textbox appearance as below.

    int flag = 1;
    private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (flag == 1)
            textBox1.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
            textBox1.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold);
            textBox1.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;
            flag = 2;
            textBox1.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            textBox1.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
            textBox1.BackColor = Color.White;
            flag = 1;


You can apply more specific designing style which would blink your textbox's text.



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