
Is it possible/sensible to use an in-memory persistent store as a staging area, and if so how do I clear it?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 05:56 出处:网络
We\'ve got some data coming into our app.Sometimes it will be saved, so we\'ve made an entity and a NSManagedObject subclass for it.Usually, though, the objects will be instantiated and never saved.I\

We've got some data coming into our app. Sometimes it will be saved, so we've made an entity and a NSManagedObject subclass for it. Usually, though, the objects will be instantiated and never saved. I'm thinking of using another persistent store, with the NSInMemoryStoreType, as a staging area, then moving the ones we want to save into the sqlite store. Is that possible/sensible?

If it is, I'd like to clear out the staging area every so often. Is there a way to clear out just the objects开发者_Go百科 assigned to the memory store?

You should read this lengthy blog post on temporary Core Data objects. It's very insightful.


Can you not use the 'scratch pad' / Undo Management properties of core data? http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/cocoa/conceptual/coredata/Articles/cdUsingMOs.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001803-207821-TPXREF148



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