
I need suggestions about an implementation of Distributed Graph using MPI

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 06:23 出处:网络
Do you happen to know any robust, well-recongnised software library which implements distributed graphs using MPI?

Do you happen to know any robust, well-recongnised software library which implements distributed graphs using MPI?

What I mean by distributed graph is a graph whose edges and vertices can be distributed over a cluster of processors in an abstract manner.

I need a good 开发者_开发技巧example to learn from.

Thank you very much.

The only library I'm aware of that meets your needs is the Boost distributed graph library:

The Parallel BGL is primarily concerned with distributed graphs. Distributed graphs are conceptually graphs, but their storage is spread across multiple processors. [In the example] the graph has been divided among three processors (represented by the grey rectangles). Edges in the graph may be either local (with both endpoints stored on the same processor) or remote (the target of the edge is stored on a different processor).



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