
How to update tiles in Windows Phone 7 Mango?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 06:45 出处:网络
I\'m playing a little with the new Mango APIs. I\'m trying to update the application tile using a Background Agent.

I'm playing a little with the new Mango APIs. I'm trying to update the application tile using a Background Agent.

How I can retrieve the current开发者_Python百科 StandardTileData values? There is a way to do so or I have to keep track of it in the IsolatedStorage?


There is no current way to get the StandardTileData from an existing Tile. Best bet would be to not use the Tile as a state store anyway (i.e. get the count from the tile, increment it and update it), but rather to use Isolated Storage as you suggest

Store a identifier in the tile's URI, and then retrieve data from the IsolatedStorage (or a remote service or storage, such as Twitter).



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