
Spring MVC Binding: How to bind ArrayList<...>?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 08:39 出处:网络
I\'ve got a DTO (bean) with ArrayList field: public MyDTO { ... private List<MyThing> things; ... ... getters, setters and so on

I've got a DTO (bean) with ArrayList field:

public MyDTO {
  private List<MyThing> things;
  ... getters, setters and so on

In my initBinder I have:

public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
  binder.registerCustomEditor(List.class, "things", new PropertyEditorSupport() {
    public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgume开发者_Go百科ntException {
       List<MyThing> things = new ArrayList<MyThings>;

       // fill things array with data from text

       // On that stage things value is correct!

And in my controller request method:

public ModelAndView doSaveMyDTO(@ModelAttribute MyDTO myDTO) {
  // very strange myDTO comes here=(

The problem is that while I'm in registerCustomEditor staff the things array is ok.

But when I get to the doSaveMyDTO method - MyDTO.things looks like Array of one element arrays of actual values:

Expected (things in initBinder):

[value1, value2, value3]

Get in doSaveMyDTO (myDTO.getThings()):

[[value1], [value2], [value3]]

Why? Please explain...

If the request is correctly formed (things=v1&things=v2&things=v3 or things=v1,v2,v3), spring's built-in converters should properly convert it to a List - no need to register your own.

If your input is JSON, then you'd need @RequestBody instead of @ModelAttribute



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