
PHP - manage server

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 10:06 出处:网络
Recently I rented a Virtual Machine for my experiments and works, and I would like to create a simple way for the final client to manage emails, databases, etc. So, since I\'m using PHP and I\'m awa开

Recently I rented a Virtual Machine for my experiments and works, and I would like to create a simple way for the final client to manage emails, databases, etc. So, since I'm using PHP and I'm awa开发者_JAVA技巧re that it's not safe at all to grant root permissions to it, how would you do it? Accessing bash scripts via PHP?


This is an awful lot of work. I would recommend using one of the already available tools, instead. One that i already used myself and therefore can recommend is ISPConfig.

It's implemented in PHP and open-source.

Just use something like DirectAdmin. It costs a few bucks, but saves you from having to re-write it in your own code.



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