
question regarding "this" pointer in c++

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-24 17:20 出处:网络
i have been given class with int variables x and y in private, and an operator overload function, class Bag{

i have been given class with int variables x and y in private, and an operator overload function,

class Bag{
    int x;
    int y;

Bag operator+ (Bag new) const{
    Bag result(*this);   //what does this mean?
    result.x += new.x;         
    result.y += new.y;

What is the effect of having "Bag result(*this);" there?.

Bag result(*this) creates a copy of the object on which the operator function was called.

Example if there was:

sum = op1 + op2; 

then result will be a copy of op1.

Since the operator+ function is doing a sum of its operands and returning the sum, we need a way to access the operand op1 which is done through the this pointer.

Alternatively we could have done:

Bag result;
result.x = (*this).x + newobj.x; // note you are using new which is a keyword.
result.y = (*this).y + newobj.y; // can also do this->y instead
return result;

Your code would look like:

class Bag {
  Bag(Bag const& other); // copy ctor, declared implicitly if you don't declare it

  Bag operator+(Bag const& other) const;

  int x;
  int y;

Bag Bag::operator+(Bag const& other) const {
  Bag result (*this);
  result.x += other.x;         
  result.y += other.y;
  return result;

The implicit "current object" for member functions is pointed to by a special value named this. Then *this gets that object (by dereferencing this), and it is used to construct (via the copy constructor) another Bag named result.

I suspect this code is taken from a homework assignment, so you might not be able to use the one true addition operator pattern, but it is common and you should be aware of it:

struct Bag {
  Bag& operator+=(Bag const& other) {
    x += other.x;
    y += other.y;
    return *this; // return a reference to the "current object"
    // as almost all operator=, operator+=, etc. should do

Bag operator+(Bag a, Bag const& b) {
  // notice a is passed by value, so it's a copy
  a += b;
  return a;

Firstly, tell the code writer not to use new as the variable name — it's a keyword. Also, remeber to return result;. And either pass by const-reference or directly modify the new bag.

Inside a struct/class, this is a pointer to itself. Therefore, *this is a reference to the whole Bag instance itself.

The statement Bag result(a_bag_reference) will call the copy constructor of Bag, which makes a copy of a_bag_reference into result.


Bag result(*this);

makes a copy of itself, then store into result. This makes the next 2 statements

result.x += new.x;
result.y += new.y;

do not affect the instance itself (i.e. this->x and this->y are kept constant).

The operator+ function returns a copy. The statement:

Bag result(*this);

Is making a copy of this object to return to the caller. According to the signature, it must return a value, so it is making a copy and then adding the new object.

Bag result(*this); is declaring a variable result and invoking its copy constructor.

You can imagine C++ automatically declares a default copy constructor for all classes. Its job is simply to initialize an object using another object:

Bag::Bag(Bag const& src) {
   x = src.x;
   y = src.y;

The expression *this may look a little unsettling, but is just the usual horror of C++ when you deal with & parameters.



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