
Launch Android Default Email application through btn click

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-27 17:45 出处:网络
I posted this query here, but as usual, noone knows / no replies http://www.anddev.org/viewtopic.php?p=41513#41513

I posted this query here, but as usual, noone knows / no replies


How can I launch the android default mail application through the click of a button in my code?

I would also like to know, how this can be done to launch the contacts list 开发者_开发百科also.

Any help in this regard is appreciated,

Regards, Rony

How can I launch the android default mail application through the click of a button in my code?

Use an ACTION_SEND Intent.

(BTW, I apologize for the formatting of that blog post -- AndroidGuys keeps changing hosting providers, which screws up my posts)

I would also like to know, how this can be done to launch the contacts list also.

Use an ACTION_PICK Intent.



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