
PostGreSQL load increasing over time, why?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-28 15:40 出处:网络
It\'s a CentOS server (I don\'t know the specs) and just before anybody states the obvious, keep in mind these mitigating factors:

It's a CentOS server (I don't know the specs) and just before anybody states the obvious, keep in mind these mitigating factors:

  • the server does a nightly VACUUM job
  • all the tables are indexed
  • it's pretty much read only (meaning the DBs are not increasing in size)
  • the number of queries being ran has been the same every month

Here's a graph of the server load:alt text http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/6352/loady.gif

UPDATE (2010/9/15): We never found a server or config cause to this, but our application was optimized and the load is back to acceptable levels at the same usage:

  1. Cached some data
  2. Foun开发者_开发技巧d some queries that were rewritten
  3. Found some redundant queries

Not only should you vacuum, but also vacuum analyze, and reindex (at least once a month), since indexes are not vacuumed.

May I also suggest that your piece of software is just so good that you gain more users over time?



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