
How to place a mc above an embeded swf

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-15 23:17 出处:网络
I am struggling to embed a swf in a flash movie so that it appears beneath a mc menubar. The menu is in a mc on the main time line at the top layer.

I am struggling to embed a swf in a flash movie so that it appears beneath a mc menubar.

The menu is in a mc on the main time line at the top layer.

The swf is embeded into a mc using the following :

swapChildren(fullmc, swfbox1);
var myLoader1 :Loader = new Loader(); 
 var url1 :URLRequest = new URLRequest("26A.swf"); 
 myLoader1 .load(url1 );

However whatever I do开发者_StackOverflow社区 (even trying "swapChildren" ) the embeded swf always appears on top of the menu mc hiding it completely. Im sure theres a simple reason. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks Ed

have you tried? sorry my bad, i wrote too fast , try this instead

//if fullmc holds the mc you want above
var mc:MovieClip = this.root as MovieClip;
mc.addChildAt( swfbox1 , 0 );



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