
Using Vim to edit Microsoft Word files

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-17 02:33 出处:网络
I\'ve found ViEmu, a vi emulator for microsoft word. However, I wanted to use vim to edit DOC or eve开发者_运维知识库n rtf files. Is this possible ?

I've found ViEmu, a vi emulator for microsoft word. However, I wanted to use vim to edit DOC or eve开发者_运维知识库n rtf files. Is this possible ?

Are they any other formats that preserve page/paragraph layout compatible with both Microsoft Word and Vim? I am also open to OpenOffice formats.

That’s not possible. Vim is by its very nature a plain text editor and doesn’t offer Microsoft Word style WYSIWYG. You cannot edit formatted documents.

To be sure, you can edit the source code of an RTF file (RTF is a fairly simple formatting language so editing it manually is theoretically possible) but I don’t think this is what you’re after.

If you want to edit using Vim but still produce documents with formatting, your best shot is LaTeX. This allows you to create professional documents via a macro programming language.

If you are willing to install a plugin called textutil.vim you can do this. The caveat is that when you open the program in vi/vim it converts the .rtf or .doc file to plain text and then converted back when you save it back.

As with all conversions you are liable to lose something in it, but at least it allows you to edit something in a pinch.

I had a similar question... The guys at the *nix forum really helped out. Have a look at their answers, all of them, they are all good solutions for various people in all sorts of different circumstances. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/64014/editing-rich-text-format-files-command-line/64037

Not WYSIWYG, but you can create documents with formatting using Markdown. It's a very simple version of HTML and it produces beautiful documents easily.

You could edit the documents in VIM itself, or you could use Rstudio (which is free) with VIM keybindings enabled.

Using Rstudio you can easily convert your markdown to Word, HTML and Latex.





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