
Can I find the most popular keyword for a particular page using the google analytics api?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-19 15:18 出处:网络
I was hoping to to use the analytics api to find out the most po开发者_如何学Cpular search terms (organic) that lead to a particular page.

I was hoping to to use the analytics api to find out the most po开发者_如何学Cpular search terms (organic) that lead to a particular page.

Is this possible?

I've trawled the documentation and found this which looks as if it outlines all possible data I can retrieve from the API and I can't see this information here.


If this is the case, is there any reason that the API isn't complete? I would assume if I can access the data using the analytics interface then I should be able to query for it using the API - is this assumption incorrect?

Yes, this is possible. For example, if you wanted to see what keywords led to how many entrances to index.html,


Dimensions: ga:keyword

Metrics: ga:entrances

Segment: gaid::-5

Filters: ga:landingPagePath==/index.html

Sort: -ga:entrances

(Segment gaid::-5 segments the data to only include visits referred from Organic Search; sorting by -ga:entrances will order the number of visits in descending order).

Try it out here: http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/gdata/gdataExplorer.html?dimensions=ga%253Akeyword&metrics=ga%253Aentrances&segment=gaid%253A%253A-5&filters=ga%253AlandingPagePath%253D%253D%252Findex.html&sort=-ga%253Aentrances&start-date=2010-09-23&end-date=2010-10-07&max-results=50



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