
Processing Set of Sets and return a flat Iterable

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-05 12:05 出处:网络
val input=Set(Set(\"a\",\"b\"),Set(\"b\",\"c\")) I开发者_运维知识库 want this: Map(\"a\"->1,\"b\"->2,\"c\"->1)
val input=Set(Set("a","b"),Set("b","c"))

I开发者_运维知识库 want this:


What is the best functional approach for implementing such functionality? Using yield keyword results in nested Iterables:

output = for(firstlevel<-input) yield for(item<-firstlevel) yield item

update: incorporated the suggestion to use input.toSeq.flatten
instead of input.toSeq flatMap { _.toSeq }

convert to a single sequence of values...


...group values that match...

input.toSeq.flatten groupBy { identity }

...and count

input.toSeq.flatten groupBy { identity } mapValues { _.size }

If you want to use for-comprehension and yield:

output = for{
    (set,idx) <- input.zipWithIndex
    item <- set
} yield (item -> idx)

The code in your last line can be simplified (but does not what you want):

output = for{
    set <- input
    item <- set
} yield item

Oh boy, that's so ugly...

input.foldLeft(Map[String,Int]())((m,s) => 
   s.foldLeft(m)((n,t) => n + (t -> (1 + n.getOrElse(t,0)))))


The Collection-API needs really a method for "merging" two Maps (or did I just overlook it???), e.g.

def merge[A,B](m1: Map[A,B], m2:Map[A,B])(f: (B,B)=>B):Map[A,B] =
  m1.foldLeft(m2)((m,t) =>
      m + (t._1 -> m.get(t._1).map(k => f(k,t._2)).getOrElse(t._2)))

With this you could write something like:

input.map(_.map(x => x -> 1).toMap).reduceLeft(merge(_,_)(_+_))


With Kevin's idea merge could be written as

def merge[A,B](m1: Map[A,B], m2:Map[A,B])(f: (B,B)=>B):Map[A,B] =
   m1.keys ++ m2.keys map {k => k ->
        List(m1.get(k), m2.get(k)).flatten.reduceLeft(f)} toMap

Seems like my Scala-Fu is still too weak. What's the best way to express

(o1,o2) match {
    case (Some(x),Some(y)) => Some(f(x,y))    
    case (Some(x), _) => Some(x)    
    case (_, Some(y)) => Some(y)    
    case => error("crack in the time-space-continuum")  




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