
open source PHP shopping cart LIBRARY? [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-06 19:25 出处:网络
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Closed 9 years ago.

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I am looking for a good PHP shopping cart LIBRARY.

My definition of开发者_如何学Go GOOD means:

  • well designed code (preferably documented)
  • supports multiple payment gateways
  • active community
  • preferable POST beta version or version 1.0.0 (i.e. it is used in production systems)

I stress the word library, because most of the items turning up in my Google searches are fully fledged systems/applications - with user interfaces and templating etc.

I simply want the bare components (I only want the backend components/ NO frontend/UI parts).

Is anyone out there aware of such a PURE shopping cart LIBRARY (as described above)?

Failing that, is there an OS shopping cart 'system' out there that is designed in a loosely coupled manner, so as to make 'ripping out' the front end components relatively easy?. With all of the systems I have seen so far, the UI is tightly coupled with the backend, and it is impossible (with reasonable amount of effort), to separate between the F/E and the B/E.

So to summarize, my questions are:

  1. Is anyone aware of an OS shopping cart LIBRARY (no GUI) - preferably PHP (but I can work with Python if need be)
  2. If no pure LIBRARY solution exists, can someone recommend a well written (i.e. losely coupled) system that allows me to remove the UI from the 'system' (so I am left with the PURE library)?

Magento Commerce is well architected and uses an MVC pattern that would make it relatively straight forward to rip out the template/views. The controllers do have embedded redirect logic, but the model layer is quite independent. Definitely worth a look.

A little late but you could take a look at the composer packages or the API that Moltin offers.



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