
iPhone app rejected - because use of one private API function - but there is no alternative - what to do?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-08 06:57 出处:网络
I wrote a nice app that would simplify life for many - somehow similar to these phone card apps. However, there is oneprivate API function which I have to use to send a hash \'#\" in a phone call开发者

I wrote a nice app that would simplify life for many - somehow similar to these phone card apps. However, there is one private API function which I have to use to send a hash '#" in a phone call开发者_开发技巧 because the receiving hardware requires this. (which is understandably not allowed because of POSSIBLE abuse). But

My app does not missuse or in any way cause damage.

Certainly the reviewers at apple don't have time to review for each single use of such functions - so therefore my app got rejected by the automated API check (so I assume). Yes I know that these issues are documented well by Apple, but I was hoping they would really "check" abuse possibilities of apps and then reject - or accept if the app is not harmfull in any way. (as happened in a similar case in appstore)

Anyway, if I don't find another solution this app will not be accepted.

What to do now? Does it make sense to write an explanation comment when submitting to review? Is there an alternative to send the signal of a # during a call somehow? Is there an alternative way to sell/distribute apps? Will this affect my future apps to be submitted? What is your experience?

ps certainly, the Android version is available soon...


An option would be to submit it as a bug and request they "support send a hash '#" in a phone call".

You can always try the Cydia store, and probably there are other ways in the jailbreak community.



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