
Please suggest a better property name for Items Order Index (in a list)

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-08 07:21 出处:网络
Hi I have a class of let\'s say \"Channels\", like folders - but it could be menu items in a navigation block. So obviously a \"Channel\" has properties like

Hi I have a class of let's say "Channels", like folders - but it could be menu items in a navigation block. So obviously a "Channel" has properties like

.Alias (wordPress slug-like)
.RedirectUrl (may act as a hyperlink)


/// etc..

but in many cases I would want to set the order of my items in a navigation menu block manually - by whatever importance开发者_Go百科 I decide, right.. ? (not by abc or timestamp)

So I've added a property called StateProperties.OrderIndex just for this... a colleague of mine has called it "z-index" while he was referring to it... I am trying to build a CMS framework for our internal needs and just seeking your opinions as to what name could possibly be used for my "OrderIndex" ? To me "OrderIndex" just makes sense :)

I believe 'OrderIndex' is exactly what you are looking for, since index stands for position and you are setting an 'Order' position. The 'Z' in 'z-index' stands for depth position, which does not seem to match what you are trying to go for.

I would prefer Order or Sequence. I think z-index carries a different meaning that what you're after (more for ordering on a stack).



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