
java: question on filter and servlet mapping

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-10 22:59 出处:网络
I have a web application with the following structure: TOMCAT_HOME webapps |_myapp |-html/ |-various directories

I have a web application with the following structure:

          |-various directories

The application has various servlets that are registered over various paths.

The application itself can be accessed via http://IP:PORT/myapp/

This of courses causes to get the index.html (in the welcome list).

My question is, how would I register a filter for specifically the access of the root directory but not the subdirectories i.e. the url-mapping not to be /* If I place as url-pattern / seems not to work.

So the filter would intercept开发者_开发问答 only this request http://IP:PORT/myapp/ and not http://IP:PORT/myapp/path or http://IP:PORT/myapp/servlet/path.

Additionally the filter would intercept a request like http://IP:PORT/myapp/index.html which is equivalent to the one I aim.


Why not set the filter as /index.html then? It will not cause your subdirectories to be filtered.

You can easily test for / and do your thing, otherwise let it pass through. With a /* URL pattern.

public void doFilter(ServletRequest req,ServletResponse res,FilterChain chain)
    throws IOException,ServletException{

    HttpServletRequest request=(HttpServletRequest)req;
    String path=request.getServletPath();

    if(path.equals("/") || path.equals("/index.html"){
        // do your thing



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