

  • PHP APC Progress Bar

    Post Updated: After commentors advice. Index.php <?php $id = uniqid(\"\"); ?> </head> <body>[详细]

    2023-02-06 23:24 分类:问答
  • Why does this compile command sequence keep creating a 64 bit file?

    I\'m using a mac OSX and trying to compile a binary from source. the commands I\'m using are /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.3/bin/phpize CFLAG开发者_JAVA百科S=\'-O2 -arch i386 -arch ppc -g -Os\' LDFL[详细]

    2023-02-06 22:56 分类:问答
  • MAMP- Use local IP instead of 'localhost' in address?

    Is it possible to get MAMP to show my local IP address in the url instead of the text \'localhost\'? The reason I want this is im using the Drupal CMS whi开发者_JAVA百科ch caches some absolute links[详细]

    2023-02-06 21:56 分类:问答
  • Removing index.php on MAMP

    this questions was asked before and has had many responses. The problem is nothing i tried worked. Background: i use MAMP and all of my web project are located under WebProjects which I relocated out[详细]

    2023-02-05 02:50 分类:问答
  • Weird UTF-8 MAMP issue

    in further text, I\'ll refer to some characters as correct UTF characters, that\'s utf-8 encoded character in it\'s ok form (á) and incorrect UTF characters, that\'s the same, but messed up utf-8 cha[详细]

    2023-02-05 02:10 分类:问答
  • From a MAMP dev env to XAMPP

    I\'m taking over a codeigniter project that was originally developed in MAMP on OSX. My php dev environment is a XAMPP on Windows.Works great for all my other work and projects.However I copied this[详细]

    2023-02-04 04:46 分类:问答
  • Getting WordPress permalinks working on a MAMP install

    I\'ve got a local MAMP install of WordPress and am trying to get permalinks working.But when I click my links after setting permalink setting to \'Day and name\' 开发者_StackOverflow社区http://localho[详细]

    2023-02-04 03:08 分类:问答
  • Can't install Acquia Drupal Commons locally

    Working on a MacbookPro OS 10.6.6 , using MAMP Pro 1.9.4. I\'m attempting to install Acquia\'s Drupal Commons locally. The installation progress bar goes all the way, I can check in phpMyadmin that t[详细]

    2023-02-04 01:49 分类:问答
  • Deploy flex app to MAMP server

    I created a Flex app in a Windows XP environment using Flex Builder 3. From the menubar, I selected \"Project->Export Build Release\" and moved the files from /bin-release onto my local server (WAMP[详细]

    2023-02-03 18:43 分类:问答
  • mySQL connection issue when migrating from webserver to MAMP

    OK so I\'ve recently moved to MAMP for a project using PHP and mySQL. I开发者_运维百科\'ve set up the database and copied all the data but now the script doesn\'t work. I haven\'t changed the default[详细]

    2023-02-03 17:56 分类:问答