

  • OpenMP Several "shared"-directives?

    Hey there, I have a very long list of shared variables in OpenMP so I have to split lines in fortran and use the \"&\"-syntax to make sure the lines stick together![详细]

    2023-02-24 04:14 分类:问答
  • Why POSIX Threads are Slower Than OpenMP

    I\'m running a completely parallel matrix multiplication program on a Mac Pro with a Xeon processor. I create 8 threads (as many threads as cores), and there are no shared writing issues (no writing t[详细]

    2023-02-24 00:25 分类:问答
  • OpenMP dynamic loop decomposition in chunks

    I am using OpenMP to go through a large loop in parallel. Let\'s say the array I\'m working on has N entries in total. I would like one thread to do the first N/2 entries and the other thread the last[详细]

    2023-02-24 00:07 分类:问答
  • Nqueens with openmp c

    I am solving the n Queens problem with open mp, (The original eight queens problem consisted of trying to find a way to place eight queens on a chessboard so that no queen would attack any other que[详细]

    2023-02-23 15:10 分类:问答
  • openmp pointers question

    I have written a program in C which needs to be parallelised using openmp. I have declared the private and shared variables but in the beginning of the code when I am calling some procedures to fr开发[详细]

    2023-02-23 07:01 分类:问答
  • Question about parallel loop in MPI

    hey there, I have a short question about openmpi in fortran: i have a code like this: I) definitions of vars & linear code, setting up some vars for later usage[详细]

    2023-02-23 04:05 分类:问答
  • When should the OpenMP library be used?

    As I understand, OpenMP is a standard and also a library to implement multi-threading in C++ code. Visual C++ alread开发者_JS百科y has threading APIs for Windows, and UNIX has POSIX threading. I don\[详细]

    2023-02-22 22:09 分类:问答
  • OpenMP threads appear to execute serially

    I have an application which should essentially evaluate the reverse polish notation of a mathematical expression in parallel may times. My problem is i\'m not seeing any gain in performance when using[详细]

    2023-02-21 12:16 分类:问答
  • general question about solving problems with parallelisation

    i have a general question about programming of parallel algorithms in C. Lets assume that our task is to implement some matrix algorithms with MPI and/or OpenMP. There are some situations, like false[详细]

    2023-02-19 21:16 分类:问答
  • How to wait on a Mutex with OpenMP

    I\'ve a for loop that will launch processes in parallel every launched process will return a response back indicating that it is ready. I want to wait for the response and I\'ll abort if a certain tim[详细]

    2023-02-18 12:12 分类:问答