

  • NSFileManager FileSize Problem - Cocoa OSX

    I have a function that checks the size of several plist files in the /User/Library/Preferences/ directory. For testing purposes, I\'m using iTunes, which on my machine has a preference file of ~500kb.[详细]

    2023-02-05 08:42 分类:问答
  • NSFileManager: Copy a file atomically?

    in my iPhone projects, I am currently copying files using NSFileManager\'s -copyItemAtPath:toPath:error: method. However, the docs so not say anything about atomicity, so I might run into trouble if m[详细]

    2023-02-04 20:48 分类:问答
  • iPhone problem saving files with file sharing

    I have an app that allows the user to click a button to save a ringtone to the documents directory. I have the iPad version working appropriately, however, using the same method for the iPhone doesn\'[详细]

    2023-02-02 20:35 分类:问答
  • Cocoa - Gaining Root Access for NSFileManager

    I need to move system files with NSFil开发者_运维百科eManager in my application and I don\'t seem to have root access. What would be the easiest way to go about gaining this privilege?[详细]

    2023-02-02 18:12 分类:问答
  • Can't figure out this file behavior in IOS 4.2

    Odd behavior with file behavior. Here\'s the thing: I\'m using the phone camera to snap a picture, and internally generating a thumbnail. I\'m saving those as temp files in the Documents directory.[详细]

    2023-02-01 03:38 分类:问答
  • iPhone - tracking back button

    I have a tableView which lists the contents of my document directory. I have some zip files in that. If I touch a file in the tableView, the corresponding zip file is unzipped and extracted in a tempo[详细]

    2023-01-31 21:27 分类:问答
  • Stop NSFileManager process

    I am copying some data using NSFileManager: success = [manager copyItemAtPath:[dirToCopyFrom stringByAppendingPathComponent:file] toPath:[dirToCopyTo stringByAppendingPathComponent:file] error:&c[详细]

    2023-01-30 14:42 分类:问答
  • How to read a file in iPhone?

    I am t开发者_StackOverflow社区rying to read a .txt file from my documents directory in the form of NSString. Any idea how to read the file into NSString?[详细]

    2023-01-29 09:48 分类:问答
  • iPhone - reducing file manager access

    I have a metho开发者_Go百科d that deletes files. Actually I have this NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);[详细]

    2023-01-28 19:07 分类:问答
  • NSFileManager -copyItemAtPath:toPath:error: fails with read-only folder

    I\'m trying to copy a folder that is read-only, but has files inside it, to another location. When I use -copyItemAtPath:toPath:error: it copies the folder, but not the files. Sample code that demonst[详细]

    2023-01-27 21:42 分类:问答