

  • Java and Injecting Defensive Copies

    So I\'m starting to really like the concept of defensive copies for the purpose of making code more \"secure\", but unfortunately they seem to inherently conflict with the wonderful separation of conc[详细]

    2023-04-13 08:58 分类:问答
  • Java Nullpointerexception and obsolete method

    I copied this code exactly out of my parallel programming book. When I tried compiling it I go a nullpointerexception which seems to be happening at the code: t[i]=newThread(counters[i]); which accord[详细]

    2023-04-13 08:58 分类:问答
  • OAuth and google plus api

    I\'m using google-start-project\'s code into one of my gaelyk app. This is the groovy-ed code for the OAuth 2.0 authorization process. Unlike twitter, whenever开发者_如何学Python the app requests auth[详细]

    2023-04-13 08:55 分类:问答
  • Page sections JSP/JSTL

    I\'m used to work in PHP. There I would make a Page Class with methods for writing menus headers and footers and call those metho开发者_如何学Cds from my script. This way was able to easily change the[详细]

    2023-04-13 08:54 分类:问答
  • Why can't I explicitly return void from a method?

    void run() { ... if (done) return canc开发者_Python百科el(); ... } where cancel() return void. This won\'t compile... and I can almost understand why. But if I want to return a void from a void, why[详细]

    2023-04-13 08:53 分类:问答
  • Dom4J preserve whitespace when writing file

    I\'m working on a program that is using Dom4J to write xml files. The database schema I am writing to has a handy xml validation and import schema. Dom4J is working great, but, I can\'t seem to figure[详细]

    2023-04-13 08:49 分类:问答
  • request.getUserPrincipal() got null

    User successfully authenticated but after authentication when I go to next controller I got request.getUserPrincipal() null. I am using websphere 7 and my application is in spring mvc.[详细]

    2023-04-13 08:49 分类:问答
  • Collection of an own datatype or HashMap

    I have to store information to objects of type \"Person\" in a data structure. The information could for example be a simple integer value. The integer values will change frequently, and also the pers[详细]

    2023-04-13 08:47 分类:问答
  • Android server data fetching

    I would like to fetch data from a phpMyAdmin server. The only fun开发者_JAVA百科ction I know, is this :[详细]

    2023-04-13 08:44 分类:问答
  • How to connect to external MySQL server from Glassfish

    I am trying to connect to a remote MySQL server. I have succesfully made a connection from Eclipse (DataSource view) and can now browse the content of the database.[详细]

    2023-04-13 08:38 分类:问答