
How to use SourceForge?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-17 00:09 出处:网络
Okay, I want to use SourceForge to host my source for a program, but I have no idea how to use SVN or CVS. I tried looking at tutorials, but they all seem to be oriented on retrieving source, not addi

Okay, I want to use SourceForge to host my source for a program, but I have no idea how to use SVN or CVS. I tried looking at tutorials, but they all seem to be oriented on retrieving source, not adding to it. As of now, the repository is empty (no source there), so how do I add my source files? Th开发者_如何学Pythonanks.

My Suggestion is to use a graphical SVN-Client like TortoiseSVN, go to >> "Repo Browser" and enter the following

https://svn.code.sf.net/p/{Your Project Name Goes Here}/code/trunk

You'll then be prompted of your username and passcode.

Hope that helped!


svn import **folder** -m "comment here"

to import a folder into your repository (to start one).

you can also use

svn add **folder**

to add files and folders to repository then use

svn commit  -m "comoment here"

But the easiest way would be to use a GUI application, like tortoiseSVN on windows and svnX on OS X if you're not familiar with SVN.

svn import file url -m "Comment Goes here"

So lets say I wanted to to upload a file called file, to a url url, you would use the above command.

SVN help

The first time you import or check in, you will need to do --username username and/or not --password password, you can drop password, and be prompted for it after you have established connection if you so choose.

svn import file --username bob --password bobiscool url -m "Comment"

If you dont use -m you will go into this gnarly to navigate nano screen asking for a comment, so it is best to remember to add -m.

Since you are new to Subversion, I strongly advise you to read SVNBook to learn more about Subversion and version-control in general. It is the MUST READ reference book which will help you to understand common version-control practices and the common workflow. SVNBook is the Bible of SVN and must-read for Subversion administrators and users, in fact.

Chapters you may find helpful as a novice Subversion user:

  • "Fundamental Concepts",
  • "Basic Work Cycle",
  • "Branching and Merging".


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