
Render graph in Python and Javascript

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-25 01:54 出处:网络
I am looking for libraries that can render graphs, PRETTY graphs. I need to both render static images, preferably with python, and also to render them dynamically in the browser. A Canvas solution w

I am looking for libraries that can render graphs, PRETTY graphs.

I need to both render static images, preferably with python, and also to render them dynamically in the browser. A Canvas solution would be great, flash is acceptable too.

I googled开发者_开发知识库 around a little and found python-graph, but the images look quite ugly.

To clarify: I'm talking about graphs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_theory), not charts.

Check out following:

  • canviz - Graphviz graphs in JS
  • pydot - Graphviz for Python
  • yapgvb - Another alternative for Python

You should be able to use the same graph definition both in Python and JS. I hope those help. :)

Processing.js, a port of the Processing language, is a very powerful JavaScript visualization library that can been used to generate graphs.

You can check out Pydot, though the quality of the graphics might not be up to snuff. What about invoking raphael in your webapp? Not sure if people have done mathematical graphs, but the output certainly looks nice.

Render graph in Python and Javascript

We use flot for the Internet Archives Open Library project and it works great. You can see a few of the graphs it's generated on the OpenLibrary front page.



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